





If asked about a treatment goal for each person that I see, I could immediately respond.

My goal for each person is that they can clearly express their thoughts and feelings … that they can function on a daily basis without struggle … that their responses are automatic.   

Each person has individual strengths and weaknesses and gifts.  Each has been brought into my life.   My responsibility becomes thinking about them, planning for them, and encouraging them.  Therefore, I rarely use a purchased “program”.  My goal is to build up each person, focusing on their strengths and gifts.

Generally,  when working in my Tollway office, school-aged children and adolescents are seen weekly in 45-minute sessions.  When needed, Little Ones are seen on a twice-weekly basis for 30-minute sessions.

When children are seen in my office, the last few minutes involve inviting the chauffeuring adult into the therapy room so that the child can explain that day’s work.

This gives an additional opportunity for the child to process the new work as they explain. I also want you significant adults to know what we are doing because it helps with carryover outside therapy.

Once home, I ask that some other significant person ask about the work that was done that day.  The more opportunities given for explanation, the more refinement takes place.  Our goal is often refinement.

Generally, adults are seen once a week in 45-minute sessions.  I attempt to give a standing weekly appointment, based on your schedule. 

Over time, my practice has evolved and supports people of all sizes in three areas:

Each area deserves its own explanation.