Voice for Parkinson’s / LSVT

For maintenance work in a group

Dallas Area Parkinson’s Society provides face-to-face and zoom classes for the community.  We provide voice and movement sessions.  The DAPS office provides a weekly schedule of classes.  We’re doing our best to safely provide excellent care for people with Parkinson’s Disease.  To join groups, contact DAPS by reaching out to these folks:  Leisha@daps.org or by calling this office number:  972.620.7600.

For the past 25 years, through the Dallas Area Parkinson’s Society (DAPS), this therapist has been providing free weekly voice exercise groups.  We use principles from Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT).  LSVT LOUD treatment, delivered to individuals and described below, is recognized as the Gold Standard for voice treatment for folks with Parkinson’s Disease.  LSVT BIG treatment provides for physical movement.  For a schedule of DAPS group meetings, providing free voice and movement sessions, call the DAPS office at 972.620.7600.

For individual therapy

LSVT LOUD treatment is offered for individuals with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions.  LSVT LOUD, named for Mrs. Lee Silverman (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment – LSVT) was developed in 1987.  PD has been scientifically studied for nearly 20 years.  Published research data support improvements in vocal loudness, intonation, and voice quality for individuals with PD who received LSVT LOUD.  Improvements seem to be maintained for up to two years after treatment.  The therapy is intensive and must be delivered according to the LSVT protocol, requiring 4 hour-long sessions per week for 4 weeks.  To insure quality of care, therapists must renew LSVT certification every two years.  My first certification was in 1996 so I have witnessed the unfolding of LSVT LOUD.  LSVT GLOBAL maintains a current list of therapists trained to deliver LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG.   You may search for a therapist in your area by going to the LSVT website:   www.lsvtglobal.com