DAPS has annual “Keep Moving” Symposium

Dallas Area Parkinsons Society (DAPS) shared its annual “Keep Moving” Symposium at Lover’s Lane United Methodist Church on 10/15/22.  It was a special time, thoughtfully developed to share information with the Dallas community and folks who have Parkinsons.  I was invited to participate on a panel for care partners...

Helping Little Ones Swallow

One of my current projects is helping some little ones swallow. Sippy cups and pacifiers are changing the way some little mouths develop. The tongue resting posture is often down and forward, instead of up and back. We want to change that tongue resting position. I’ve found that I...

Learning is fun!

Kids learn best when learning is fun! Changing a sound involves focused attention and practice!  It can be tedious.  It can be very tedious. The best way to get to the new sound is through fun and play! Recently, I’ve added some pre-K children.  I use target responses in...

Mouths, Tonsils, and Airways

When I work, I look inside mouths!  I see all kinds of tonsils.  Sharing about mouths and tonsils and airways … These images are from the Brodsky scale which compares the size of tonsils. Tonsils are small glands in the back of the throat.  Tonsils help stop bacteria from...

A Tiny String of Tissue

A tiny string of tissue under the tongue can prevent the tongue from functioning properly.  I’m amazed!  I want families to have this knowledge so I share. The tongue is our most versatile articulator.  The tongue is used in making EVERY SINGLE SPEECH SOUND in some way. These two...

Schedule Appointments!

Everyone is missing family and friends these days.  Especially the little people. These little ones are growing up while we are isolating! May I make a suggestion? Schedule appointments with the little folks you miss! Kiddos seem to love it. I’ll explain what is working for me. I made...

Create A Free Time List!

The school year is winding down, strange as the year has been. Students are wondering aloud with me how to occupy their time as school assignments end. Here’s an idea for parents. Create a Free Time List! And … create it WITH your child. This list is best prepared...

Trying New Things

A word about trying new things. I walked tonight.  I listened to Brene Brown’s first podcast, “Brene on FFTs”.  Her podcast is “Unlocking Us”. She recorded while isolating during pandemic, in a closet, sitting on her son’s dirty gym clothes. She talked about trying things for the first time....

Remote Therapy

I’m able to offer remote therapy. For years, I’ve maintained an office so I could serve people from all over the Metroplex. While COVID-19 spread around the world, I learned another way of serving. Simply put, therapy has moved from 3-dimensions to 2-dimensions. I’ve learned several platforms:  Zoom Pro,...


Announcement! I’m building my email list! I plan to share ideas about nurturing children, especially in terms of language development and communication. If you’d like to receive messages — in the form of tips, encouragement, and materials like this one — please sign up! There are red opt-in buttons throughout...

Summer is here!

Summer is here!  Let’s manage it! The kids are home from school.  There’s free time. What to do with that free time? I’m always trying to share ideas that help children and families with language and management. What about having dedicated days like this calendar suggests? I saw several...


I’m grateful for  parents who want the best for their child. That’s the reason I’m asked to become involved with families. When special days roll around, I think of the things children need from parents.  Children need to hear “I love you” and “I’m proud of you.”  They need...

Involvement is key!

Amazing things happen when a child is involved in learning. Very often, children report to Mom and Dad that therapy is “fun” because “we play so many games”! Ha! What the child interprets as “fun” is actually the “work”.  And I do my best to disguise the “work” so...

Look at Fear

Inspiration.  Thinking about fear. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.  You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop and look fear in the...

Screen Time

Screen time is a part of modern childhood! Screens are not going away! Parents need guidance and wisdom in controlling screen time. Excessive screen time and kids’ brains are not a healthy combination. Let’s be realistic.  You’ve seen it and lived it.  There are benefits of screen time.  Most children...


I’m writing about what I’ve learned. My first project is a series of books about Parkinson’s Disease. Why Parkinson’s Disease?  Why me?  Why now? Because I appreciate lots of people with Parkinson’s Disease. Because one day after a voice group, I was approached by four people. Some background.  After...

This Chair

I’m starting to write about what I’ve learned.   My first project is a series of books for my people with Parkinson’s Disease. Why Parkinson’s Disease?  Because of knowing and appreciating people with Parkinson’s Disease.  And because I was asked. Some background.  After having babies, I was invited to...

Ready to Launch!

When young ones are ready to launch, there are a multitude of life skills to be mastered.  Launching may mean going to college or getting a job.  Launching may mean getting an apartment.  Regardless, there are many skills involved, all requiring teaching, planning, comprehension, and language.  The following list...

Be Specific and Concrete

Be specific and concrete when talking to your child. In other words, avoid vague words such as “stuff” and “thing” and “going to the store”.  Instead, give specific names of places and things.  Hearing the names of places gives the child much more information. So often, others ask your...