Swallowing, Taken for Granted

Swallowing is taken for granted!  Swallowing requires that a seal be made somewhere in the front of the mouth.

The ability to swallow food requires that seal.   Food is gathered on top of the tongue in preparation for the swallow.     The tongue accomplishes the seal in any way possible. Food then enters the digestive tract.

This photo shows a common type of seal and tongue thrust — a forward thrust of the tongue.  The photo shows the tongue protruding beyond the cutting edge of the front teeth so that the necessary seal is accomplished.  The upper and lower anterior teeth do not come together so the tongue is held forward between the teeth.

The upper incisors protrude as a result of having weak upper lip strength and having the pressure of the tongue against the upper teeth.

Swallow training can make huge functional changes!  Through learning and mastering a series of exercises, the swallow can be accomplished a different way.

I am delighted to teach this process!

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